Welcome to dryparse’s documentation!

In a nutshell, dryparse is a CLI parser that makes it easy to turn regular functions and objects into command line commands and options. It works out of the box, with default behaviors that follow established practices. In addition, it provides excellent customizability and an object model that gives you the power to do anything you want with it.

As an appetizer, let’s try to recreate the ubiquitous cp command:

def cp(
   *files, link=False, force=False, target_directory: str = None
   Copy files and directories
   ... # Logic goes here

Do this in your program’s entrypoint:

dryparse.parse(cp, sys.argv)

When someone runs this in the shell:

cp --link -r --target-directory "/tmp/" source/ b.txt

this will run in the python world:

cp("source/", "b.txt", link=True, recursive=True, target_directory="/tmp/")

This works out of the box too (help is automatically generated from the function docstring):

cp --help

A more holistic example:

docker run -ite ENVVAR1=1 --env ENVVAR2=2 \
   --volume=/:/mnt:ro -v /home:/h         \
   alpine sh


-i is short for --interactive
-t is short for --tty
-e is short for --env
-v is short for --volume
docker.run("alpine", "sh",
           env=[("ENVVAR1", "1"), ("ENVVAR2", "2")],
           volume=[("/", "/mnt", "ro"), ("/home", "/h")])


  • When a command contains a subcommand and option with the same name



  • Walkthrough

  • Topic-based guide

  • Advanced use cases

  • Api